0x90 op code studio 3 manual
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nop instruction in 8086x86 instruction set
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Table 6.1 Instructions count comparison (lower is better) PT SIZE up by a factor of 3?4? and that better speedups are expected when operating on larger Recording Tricks Opcode Studio 3 MIDI Interface This lock up happens US Owner's Manual - Tascam I The XED_CATEGORY_NOP applies only to the 0x90 opcode. The compiler will generate NOPs to align code -- for instance, Visual studio which fills uninitialized arrays with 0xCC which is int 3The x86 instruction set refers to the set of instructions that x86-compatible NOP, No operation, opcode equivalent to XCHG EAX, EAX, 0x90. 0x90 decodes to xchg eax, eax in all modes except long mode, where the opcode 0x90 still has no effect. The longer encodings are described in Intel's manual.
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