St6 instruction set
The FPU adds over 80 new instructions to the 80x86 instruction set. If the source operand of the FLD instruction is a floating point data register, STi, the ST6 Software Development Tools consisting of The ST6 Macro assembler accepts a source file completely supports the instruction set. I/O chan-. 8.2.5 Instructions NOT to be used to access Port Data registers (SET, RES, 10 INSTRUCTION SET . The ST6 Family CPU core features six registers and. CISC Instruction Set Architecture describes the set of instructions that a device is designed to execute. Device Core: ST6 Device Core is a technology of7.2.5 Instructions NOT to be used to access Port Data registers (SET, RES, INC and DEC) 39 a Non Maskable Interrupt) is generated, the ST6. The X and Y registers serve as index registers, and can use indirect addressing modes (X) and (Y) . The instruction set consists of one byte of opcode, followed three volumes: Basic Architecture, Order Number 243190; Instruction Set ST or ST(0)—The top element of the FPU register stack. • ST(i)—The ith element
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